Parish Religious Education Program 

  Welcome to the Church of the Incarnation 
 Parish Religious Education Program (PREP)

     PREP is a continuing journey of faith for school age children. In  this program, young parishioners experience the rich traditions of our Catholic Faith. One of our main objectives is to teach the students the basic principles of the Catholic Faith. We strive to pass on doctrine and Catholic traditions, build community, and prepare the students for the lives and ministry that their baptism declares. We hope to motivate all students and their families to a life of faithfulness and action. Supported by faith-filled parents, dedicated volunteer catechists, as well as our religious sisters, priests, and deacons, our children enjoy learning and growing to appreciate the gifts of their Catholic Faith. If you'd like to speak to someone in the PREP office, click here for contact information.

You can download our information flyer here. 

To register for classes, please contact the PREP office. 

Click here to download the PREP Parent Handbook - Updated for 2024!


    We keep this candle lit for the intentions of all our PREP students, families, and catechists. May it also serve as a reminder of the light of Christ in the world. “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light!” (Is 9:1) Let us constantly strive to be a source of Christ's light for others throughout the year. 

Enrollment Options

Fall and Spring Academic Year 

During our regular academic year, PREP classes have 2 components: 1) Face-to-face classroom sessions meeting every other week and 2) Online assignments. The face-to-face classes are held either on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Parents can select from 2 different class times on either day: 4:15-5:30 PM or 5:45-7:00 PM. The online assignments are designed to supplement in-class work providing another unique layer of catechesis to help your child grow in the Faith. The PREP academic year usually begins in mid-September and ends in mid/late April, including a break during Christmas. Additional activities are held for students making their First Reconciliation (Grade 2), First Communion (Grade 2), and Confirmation (Grade 8). 

Summer Week-long Intensive

We also offer a week-long intensive Summer program for grades 1-8. Normally, grades 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 meet from 8 AM - 11:30 AM Monday - Friday. Grades 2, 7, and 8 meet from 8 AM - 2 PM Monday - Friday. There are three summer sessions. In 2023, our first session will be held in mid-June, the second session in mid-July, and a final session in late July. There will no longer be a session in August. Specific dates vary each year. Summer classes also have online assignments students complete during and after their summer session. Summer classes require students to participate in "Summer Enrichment" activities throughout the academic year as stated by the Camden Diocese, including attending Mass, going to Confession, praying the Holy Rosary, attending Youth Ministry events, Adoration, youth choir, and other activities. You can review and download the "Summer '24 Enrichment" document here


Current tuition, including books and access to online work (discount applied when registering more than one student):

  • $150/1 student/academic year
  • $275/2 students/academic year
  • $375/3 students/academic year
  • $450/4 students/academic year

If you are experiencing financial difficulty, let us know. Please do not let this stop you from registering your child for PREP classes. Call or email the PREP office. We're all here to help. Parents are entitled to know what their PREP Tuition Fees include.  Your fees include expenses for the following services:  Salary for the Director of Faith Formation, salary for the full-time secretary, office supplies, copiers, phones, mailings and communication materials, catechist workshops, pro-rated heating and utility bills, food and refreshments for student sacramental and retreat programs, student textbooks and classroom supplies, teacher supplies, etc. If your child is above grade 2 and has not yet received First Reconciliation or Eucharist, please notify the office so that the necessary steps can take place to make sure that your child is a part of this preparation.

Students Enrolled in Catholic School

If your children are in Catholic School and they're ready to receive their sacraments at Church of the Incarnation, please contact the PREP office.  A $35 fee is required for off-campus students in grades 2 and 8. This fee includes retreats and materials required for Sacrament preparation. Contact the PREP office for more information.


If your child needs to receive the sacraments, but missed the opportunity to attend PREP, we offer an RCIT/RCIC program. Classes meet once a week and begin in fall. You can learn more about it here.

PREP - Children with Disabilities Program

Any child who is unable to be mainstreamed into a regular education setting is most welcome. All of our children are important to us and we do not want to see anyone left out. PREP for Children with Disabilities is designed for families to bring their child to PREP in a safe and secure environment that specializes in teaching their child in a way that best fits their learning style.

For more information, click here.

Youth Ministry at Incarnation

Are you in middle school or high school and looking for community? Looking for friends? Looking for answers surrounding the faith or even life in general? Check out one of the Church of the Incarnation youth groups where we are growing in faith together, and have a great time along the way! Click here for more information. 


Volunteers are always needed as catechists, substitutes, hall monitors, office assistants and classroom aides. Background checks, finger printing, and Virtus training required. If you would like to become a catechist, please visit the "Catechist Corner" website for more information. If you can volunteer on any day during the Fall, Spring, or Summer, please contact the PREP office.

Read the Pope's message about volunteers here

Your child's safety is our top priority.

Church of the Incarnation PREP is a proud member of VIRTUS.  VIRTUS is the brand name that identifies best practices programs designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote "rightdoing" within religious organizations. The VIRTUS programs empower organizations and people to better control risk and improve the lives of all those who interact with the Church. To learn more click here

Church of the Incarnation PREP is a proud member of the Diocesan Office of Child and Youth Protection. The mission of The Office of Child and Youth Protection is to protect the children who are entrusted into the care of the Diocese of Camden and to ensure that the Diocese is doing everything possible to be in safe environment compliance with the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, a document disseminated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. To learn more click here

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