Click below for more information on Confirmation forms, as well as links to access each form.
Click here for the 2025 Confirmation packet.
This is the Official PREP Confirmation Packet all 8th grade students must complete by January of their 8th grade year. 7th graders are also welcome to begin working on this packet for the following year. For 2025 Confirmation students, the deadline is January 10, 2025. Mail drop-off, or email to the main office. Please contact the PREP office with any questions.
For links to individual forms from the entire packet, see below:
Click here for the 2023 Updated PREP Pre-Approved Service Hour List for Confirmation (Grades 7 and 8).
Due to covid, some of the activities on this list may not be possible. While those preparing for Confirmation are still required to complete 20 service hours, we're expanding this list to include the following:
While practicing social distancing and all safety protocols, with the assistance of your parents or guardians, you may be able to help neighbors and others who are unable to do any of the following as long as you are not placing yourself or others at risk:
Please be sure you are being safe, practicing social distancing as needed, wearing a mask when asked to do so, wash/sanitize your hands often. Do not place yourself or others at risk.
For ideas about earning service hours that can be done remotely CLICK HERE.
Click here to download the Sponsor Eligibility Form for Church of the Incarnation parishioners only.
This form is ONLY for sponsors who are parishioners at Church of the Incarnation. If your sponsor belongs to a different parish, they MUST contact their parish for the proper form.
Click here to download the form required when attending a retreat at another parish. Have it signed by a parish representative where you're attending the retreat, then email or bring it to the PREP office.
For additional information about Confirmation 2023, click here.