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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I arrange a sick visit?

    Please call the parish office at 856-468-1314 to arrange a sick call visit.  Please be prepared to provide the following information:

    1) Does the individual need a priest?

    2) Does the individual need Confession?

    3) Does the individual need Communion?

    4) Does the individual need to be Anointed?

    5) Does the individual need to be added to the prayer list?

    6) What is the individual's condition?  For example, is the individual hospitalized, gravely ill, under hospice care, terminal, etc.

    7) Does the family need meals?

  • How do I enroll in PREP?

    For more information on the Parish Religious Education Program (PREP), click here. 

  • How do I bring up the Offertory gifts?

    If you are offering a Mass for a family member or friend and would like to bring the gifts up during the offertory procession, or if you simply would like to volunteer to do so, please let one of the ushers know prior to Mass. The usher will direct you.

  • How do I arrange a funeral?

    At Incarnation, it is our desire to offer compassion and support to bereaved families. If you have had a death of a family member or friend, we are here to support you.  It is not necessary for you to contact us to arrange a funeral service.  To ease your burden during this time, the funeral home that you choose will work directly with us at the church to coordinate the logistics.  They will also provide us with your contact information, so you can expect to hear directly from one of our Bereavement Ministers.  The Bereavement Minister will assist you and your family in the planning of the service; choosing music and readings. If you need additional information please call our office at (856) 468-1314.             

  • How do I get more involved?

    Join one of our 40+ ministries! To see a full list of ministries, click here.

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