PREP for Children with Disabilities

PREP for Children with Disabilities

  PREP for Children with Disabilities is designed for families to bring their child to PREP in a safe and secure environment that specializes in teaching their child in a way that best fits their learning style. Each lesson is adapted for the child to be successful in learning about the Catholic Faith while growing closer to God and Jesus. Heather uses hands-on materials and activities to keep the children engaged. Some of the hands-on materials include picture books, puppets, puzzles, and storyboards.

     During the sacrament years, your child will be preparing to make their sacraments using similar hands-on materials specifically designed to help them understand the meaning and importance of the sacraments. Heather will make sure you and your child are fully supported during this wonderful occasion.

     Heather and her team will help your child become a full member in the church community by going through the required PREP classes, attending Mass, and participating in church functions where they can socialize with their peers. Heather Wilkie is the lead catechist for PREP Children with Disabilities. Her email is

Click here to download information about PREP for Children with Disabilities

Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 Schedule

PREP for Children with Disabilities is held on Sundays in the Kernan Center during the 9:30 am Mass.

The Fall '24-Spring '25 schedule is: 

  • September 22
  • Oct 13 and 27
  • Nov 17 and 24
  • Dec 15
  • Jan 12 and 26
  • Feb 9 and 23
  • March 9 and 23
  • April 13 (Palm Sunday)

You can still register for classes here


The current curriculum focuses on all aspects of the Catechism, including:

  • Learning about God and Jesus
  • The Catholic Church and attending Mass
  • Bible Stories
  • Prayers - The Lord's Prayer, Hail Mary, Glory Be, and others
  • Religious holidays
  • First Holy Communion
  • Penance and Reconciliation
  • Confirmation
  • Lives of the Saints
  • And much more!

All children with disabilities are welcome - including, but not limited to: 

  • Physical Disability
  • Deaf/Hard of Hearing
  • Blind/Vision loss
  • Intellectual and Developmental disabilities
  • Multiple disabilities
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

For children with other specific learning disabilities, health impairments, and mild disabilities, Heather can help them be successful in the regular class by supporting their catechist with supplemental learning materials and ongoing, personalized coaching.

                          Meet the Team

Colleen and Heather

Heather Wilkie, Lead Catechist

My husband and I have 3 children. During my free time, I like to read books, go to the beach/pool, and have fun with my family!

My 1st volunteer role in church was assisting in a Deaf Education PREP class when I was in middle school in my childhood parish. Since then, I was a 1-to-1 aid for a child with disabilities at the Jewish camp in Medford. I assisted in a program for adults with disabilities at a Baptist church in North Carolina while I was in Graduate school, and I have been a catechist at the Church of the Incarnation since 2008. I hold a BA in Deaf Education and a Masters in Special Education in Severe and Profound Disabilities and Adaptive Curriculum. After Graduate school, I worked at Bankbridge Development Center for 6 years until 2013 when I decided to stay home when my oldest was a baby. I am fluent in sign language and have been trained in PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System). 

I look forward to working with you. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at:

Colleen Parcells, Catechist

I have a Masters Degree in Special Education and PA Teaching Certification in Special Education. 
Taught in Philadelphia, Lower Merion, and NHS school for children with Autism. I also spent several years at the Chester County IU as a Behavior Specialist. After having my three children, I worked part-time as the Assistant Director and Program Specialist at the Center for Autism in Philadelphia. Currently, a happily married mom of 3 children. I work part-time at Holy Angels Parish Office in Woodbury.

Read more about Blessed Margaret of Castello by clicking on her image above.

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