Assist in washing and ironing the linens used at mass.
Contact: Parish Office (856)468-1314
Assist the Celebrant and the Deacon in carrying out their respective ministerial functions during the Sunday Mass. Altar Servers should be at least 10 years of age. Please complete the online form here to start the process of becoming an altar server.
Contact: Deacon Peter Traum
Decorate and create a hospitable environment for the Church.
Contact: Linda Pennypacker
Assist in the creation of bibs to be given to babies at their Baptisms as a symbol of being clothed in the likeness of Christ.
Contact: Suzanne Holland
(856) 464-6730
Calix is an association of Catholic alcoholics, drug addicts, and family members and friends affected by addiction, who are maintaining their sobriety through participation in their Catholic faith. Meets Mondays at 8pm via Zoom. All are welcome. Call for more info.
Contact: Bill Dougherty
(609) 617-9959
Lead the assembly in common hymns, service, music, and responsorial singing.
Contact: Nicole & Casey Corigliano
Bring the children of the parish the word of God at their level during the Liturgy of the Word. Children brought to the St. Joseph's room during 9:30 am and 11:30 am Sunday Mass.
Contact: Jackie Grunwald
(856) 494-3438
Publish events and current information on the parish website as well as the parish newsletter.
Contact: Diane Angelucci
A community support group offering peer support for anyone affected by drug addiction.
Contact: Bill Dougherty
(609) 617-9959
Distribute the Eucharist to the congregation at Sunday Mass. To bring the Eucharist to the sick and homebound of our parish.
Contact: Deacon Peter Traum
(856) 468-1314
Prepare meals for members of our parish who are ill or who have need due to illness in the family, etc.
Contact: Parish Office (856) 468-1314
This mission is accomplished by a group of health care professionals and volunteers who provide resources, educational programs, health screenings and other services to meet the health needs of fellow parishioners.
Contact: Kathy Hazzard
Provide social and informational activities for those who have reached their golden years.
Contact: Jean Meersand
(856) 468-3991
Support one another in apostolic works through devotions to Mary and conversation about those works during a weekly meeting.
Contact: Ginny King
(856) 415-7568
Proclaim the Word of God at the celebration of the Eucharist.
Contact: Deacon Peter Traum
(856) 464-1958
Teach or assist the children of the parish in bringing them the truths of the Catholic faith, sharing Catholic values, and helping to foster spiritual growth.
Contact: Jerry Voltura
(856) 468-7566
Aid the P.R.E.P. office staff during regularly scheduled class time.
Contact: Jerry Voltura
(856) 468-7566
Assist the parish office by answering phones and various other clerical duties during scheduled time periods.
Contact: Patti Houwen
Provide non-perishable food for needy families on a continuing basis.
Contact: Helen Fowler
(856) 468-1314
Meets each Monday during the hours of 10 am and 12 pm from September through June in the Father Salerno room of the Kernan Center. Quilts are handcrafted then blessed and distributed to newborn infants, homebound, and ill individuals in our community.
Prepare non-Catholics for entrance into the faith and those adult Catholics who have not completed their Sacraments of Initiation.
Contact: Deacon Thomas O'Brien
Promote life at all levels through prayer, the March for Life, etc.
Contact: Rita Lopes
(856) 478-4315
Help prepare and/or instruct a stretching class for older members of the parish.
Contact: Parish Office
Make a difference in others' lives when they need it most. Stephen Ministers provide one-to-one caring ministry to people experiencing grief, divorce, loneliness, job loss, hospitalization, or other life difficulties. For more information, click here to visit
Contact: Deacon Phil Curran
Help by person-to-person involvement, in a spirit of justice and charity, through an international Catholic organization of lay persons who care for people who are in need.
Contact: Reggie Santos
Instill an atmosphere of warmth and hospitality to parishioners and visitors attending liturgies.
Contact: Bob Bonin
(856) 468-2267
Moms meet every other Tuesday at 9:00 AM in the Youth Room. Bring your little ones and enjoy some coffee, discussion and fellowship with other Moms.
Contact: Stephanie Lucian
Bring together the youth of the parish for spiritual and recreational activities.
Contact: Ryan Francisco