Assist in washing and ironing the linens used at Mass.
Contact: Parish Office
Assist the Celebrant and the Deacon in carrying out their respective ministerial functions during the Sunday Mass. Altar Servers should be at least 10 years of age. Please complete the online form here to start the process of becoming an altar server.
Contact: Deacon Peter Traum
Decorate and create a hospitable environment for the Church.
Contact: Linda Pennypacker
The Ministry is dedicated to providing a Garment/Bib to infants baptized at Incarnation, as well as at St. Mary in Gloucester City. Every bib is lovingly embroidered, then sewn by parishioners and finally presented to each newly baptized baby of the parish. Both embroiderers and sewers use their own machines at home on a rotating basis. Fabric and binding are provided. This ministry provides a small but symbolic gesture in welcoming each child.
Contact: Suzanne Holland
Support group for those who have lost a loved one.
Contact: Rita Hale
(856) 693-2932
Calix is an association of Catholic alcoholics, drug addicts, and family members and friends affected by addiction, who are maintaining their sobriety through participation in their Catholic faith. Meets Mondays at 8pm via Zoom. All are welcome. Call for more info.
Contact: Bill Dougherty
(609) 617-9959
Lead the assembly in common hymns, service, music, and responsorial singing.
Contact: Nicole & Casey Corigliano
Bring the children of the parish the word of God at their level during the Liturgy of the Word. Children brought to the St. Joseph's room during 9:30 am and 11:30 am Sunday Mass.
Contact: Jackie Grunwald
(856) 494-3438
Publish events and current information on the parish website as well as the parish newsletter.
Contact: Diane Angelucci
A community support group offering peer support for anyone affected by drug addiction.
Contact: Bill Dougherty
(609) 617-9959
Distribute the Eucharist to the congregation at Sunday Mass. To bring the Eucharist to the sick and homebound of our parish.
Contact: Deacon Peter Traum
(856) 468-1314
Provides meals and other household necessities for homeless families. Incarnation assists four times a year.
Contact: Lori & Paul Brooks
(856) 308-5488
Assist with bottled water, sandwiches, casseroles, fruit and snacks to the homeless and veterans in Camden.
Contact: Marlene Laneader
This mission is accomplished by a group of health care professionals and volunteers who provide resources, educational programs, health screenings and other services to meet the health needs of fellow parishioners.
Contact: Kathy Hazzard
Incarnation's Womens' Group that meets monthly for prayer, fellowship, fundraising and more.
Contact: Alicia Melson
Our crochet ministry consists of approximately 25 amazingly talented members. We meet October thru May in the parish conference room on Thursdays 6-8:30PM. Some of our members crochet from home. We’re really a laid back group and like family. We donate to anyone in need: the homebound, the homeless, nursing homes, hospitals, First Way in Woodbury, cancer patients, and parishioners. All proceeds from any items sold are donated to our parish pantry.
All are welcome.
Contact: Sandy Tursi
Incarnation PALS (Peer Adults Linking Socially) is a group of adults with and without special needs. We provide an opportunity for social interaction between both groups. Our goal is to enrich the lives of people with special needs – improving the level of inclusion for a population that is often isolated and excluded. Through their participation, people with special needs form meaningful connections with their peers and share interests, experiences, and activities that many others enjoy. We gather on the last Saturday of the month from 10:00 am to 11:00 am.
Contact Charlene Stahelek or 609-828-9215.
Provide social and informational activities for those who have reached their golden years.
Contact: Jean Meersand
(856) 468-3991
Our mission is to provide the parishioners of Incarnation opportunities to encounter Jesus, grow in faith, and make disciples.
Contact: Charlene Stahelek or 609-828-9215.
Support one another in apostolic works through devotions to Mary and conversation about those works during a weekly meeting.
Contact: Loretta Kusek
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
Prepare non-Catholics for entrance into the faith and those adult Catholics who have not completed their Sacraments of Initiation.
Contact: Deacon Thomas O'Brien
Assist the parish office by answering phones and various other clerical duties during scheduled time periods.
Contact: Patti Houwen
Pray before the Blessed Sacrament - one hour, one day each week for the intentions of our parishioners and for the intentions in the Book of Intentions.
Contact: Bernadette Valentine
Married couples who assist in the preparation of engaged couples for the Sacrament of Marriage.
Contact: Deacon Peter Traum
(856) 468-1314
Provide non-perishable food for needy families on a continuing basis.
Contact: Helen Fowler
(856) 468-1314
The Prime Timers meet every Tuesday and Thursday following the 8:30 AM Morning Mass. Join us for food, fellowship, music, bingo and more!
Contact: Flo Curley
Proclaim the Word of God at the celebration of the Eucharist.
Contact: Deacon Peter Traum
Teach or assist the children of the parish in bringing them the truths of the Catholic faith, sharing Catholic values, and helping to foster spiritual growth.
Contact: Jerry Voltura
Aid the P.R.E.P. office staff during regularly scheduled class time.
Contact: Jerry Voltura
Meets each Monday during the hours of 10 am and 12 pm from September through June in the Father Salerno room of the Kernan Center. Quilts are handcrafted then blessed and distributed to newborn infants, homebound, and ill individuals in our community.
Contact: Parish Office
Promote life at all levels through prayer, the March for Life, etc.
Contact: Rita Lopes
Help prepare and/or instruct a stretching class for older members of the parish.
Contact: Mary Jane Moffei
The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of one of our priests.
Contact: Geraldine Wilgus
Make a difference in others' lives when they need it most. Stephen Ministers provide one-to-one caring ministry to people experiencing grief, divorce, loneliness, job loss, hospitalization, or other life difficulties. For more information, click here to visit
Contact: Deacon Phil Curran
Help by person-to-person involvement, in a spirit of justice and charity, through an international Catholic organization of lay persons who care for people who are in need.
Contact: Frank Colonna
Worship, praise and fellowship - meets two Sundays a month.
Contact: Confe Tee
Instill an atmosphere of warmth and hospitality to parishioners and visitors attending liturgies.
Contact: Bob Bonin
Women of the parish meet every other Tuesday at 9:00 AM in the Fr. Salerno Room.
A second group meets every other Tuesday at 7:00 PM in the Fr. Salerno Room.
Enjoy some coffee, discussion and fellowship with other women.
Contact: Alexandra Jatzke
Bring together the youth of the parish for spiritual and recreational activities.
Contact: Ryan Francisco
Youth and Young Adult Ministries